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Teo Jansen
18 dic 20241 Min. de lectura
New advertising: veozah
Another great experience in front of the camera!
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Teo Jansen
10 sept 20241 Min. de lectura
New advertising: Cabenuva
BLESSED AND LUCKY! Waking up at 3am after a hard shift in the restaurant, only to be taken to the middle of nowhere in one of the must...
8 visualizaciones
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Teo Jansen
10 sept 20241 Min. de lectura
New advertising: Cerveza Modelo
My latest work in a #TVCOMMERCIAL in the amazing production by #CervezaModelo next to great talents and an amazing crew. Fantastic...
6 visualizaciones
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Teo Jansen
15 nov 20221 Min. de lectura
New advertising: xarelto
The world of advertising is equally exciting and thrilling when is about actors. You will never know if in so much short period of time,...
15 visualizaciones
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