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Teo Jansen
1 abr 20213 Min. de lectura
Videobook 2021
Finally after almost two years I updated my actor demo reel! I feel great, I feel anxious to show to the world and I feel happy for how...
77 visualizaciones
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Teo Jansen
18 jul 20202 Min. de lectura
Selftape times
Selftape is a common way for castings in this Covid-19 times.
15 visualizaciones
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Teo Jansen
22 abr 20207 Min. de lectura
Feeding on streaming
What to watch on streaming in these quarantine days
104 visualizaciones
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Teo Jansen
16 mar 20202 Min. de lectura
Acting in a second language
How is to work in a Second Language for an actor? This is my experience so far
30 visualizaciones
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Teo Jansen
20 ene 20191 Min. de lectura is Online!
Welcome to! After a year of planning and hard work, finally my own website is online. Here you can find out what I have...
10 visualizaciones
1 comentario
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